Friday, 18 June 2010

Slipknot Vermillion

The music video Vermillion by Slipknot is rather unusual however it is extremely appealing and makes the audience want to watch on. The "slow movement" effect is created by the main character (Janna Bossier) walking extremely slow and every movement she makes is practically made in milliseconds, by doing this the camera is simply left to film on a tripod for most probably over an hour in a reasonably crowded public place, and when filming is finished they simply increase the speed of the film to create the effect. The effect produces a great feel to the video and you can sense the actress frustration of the world passing her by.

The reason why I thought of this video is that I believe that we could possibly use this style of editing. Although we have not started planning or storyboarding the music video I think that this effect can be very impressive when done correctly.

Also we could use this style of editing but in reverse, by reverse I mean our character walking normally but everyone else in the background moving very slowly to make our character seem very hyper. If all the people in the scene ignore the main character as he tries to speak to them it would be a great way to show our characters desperateness and how unsociable he seems to other people.

The music video shows a confused character walking though New York following a butterfly, her frustration is clear to see due to the Mise en scene and her heavily duty eye make up. I am a big fan of this video and believe we can use some of its ideas for our own music video.

The Brief

My name is Jack Rush and I have just completed AS level Media and am waiting for my final grade. I wish to continue with Media for A Level and our task for A2 is to create a Blog portraying and reflecting our ever increasing knowledge of the Media and specifically Pop videos. Our main task is to produce a music video. The Music video has to be within 3 to 5 minutes long, so the challenge of producing enough film for the video without using the same material multiple times (padding out) may be difficult. Considering our Thriller introduction had to be only two minutes long we may struggle, with this in mind I am looking forward to the challenge and am starting planning already