During the construction of our music video we used new media technologies to help produce, edit and showcase our video. The software we used most was as expected our editing software Apples Final Cut Express. This is the first time we have had to use Final Cut Express as in last years project we used more basic software called Imovie. At first final cut express seemed to over complicated and we found it very frustrating to use, however the frustrating period didn't last long as Warren became confident and capable with the softw

are. Warren also studies Film Studies so he has had to use the software much more than me and Ryan so because of this Warren generally did most of the editing. As well as the new software we have used this year we have had the chance to use high definition cameras which has dramatically improved the quality of our film. To get used to the new software we had to produce a mock music video using songs the school had been given permission to use, our song was I Need Your Pain and was lip synced by Warren . After we finished editing the preliminary exercises we uploaded the short clip to YouTube, the Internets most popular video website. There is a link to our preliminary exercise below.

As for research I created a survey using
http://www.surveymonkey.com/ which is a great free website which allows you to create impressive quality surveys without paying a subscription fee. I created a survey to find out some key information about the music video market to find out what appeals to today's audience and who we are most likely to target with out music video. My survey consisted of only five questions but I made sure they were sufficient enough to retrieve the information we needed, I tried not to ask closed questions such as "do you like watching music videos" because we would not benefit from a question which would ob

viously be answered yes by the music video enthusiasts we ask. I also created a survey which I asked 15 people to take part in after we had finished our video to see how our video affected its viewers. Survey Monkey was a very useful tool that allowed us to retrieve feedback on what we had produced and give us information and the criteria we needed to attract our key audience.
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